
Do You Need an Exterminator for Voles?

At first glance, voles seem cute and furry. They are small rodents, about the size of house mice. They are covered in hair, from their noses down to their tails. With a short body and legs, they can look quite adorable. However, you don’t want to let these creatures stick around if you can avoid it.

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avoiding restaurant pest infestations

Why are Cockroaches Bad?

Do you know why cockroaches are bad? Sure, they look creepy with all their legs, but that’s not why they’re listed as a major pest in the world.  At a first glance, cockroaches seem benign. They don’t bite, they’re not poisonous like black widow spiders; so what is it that makes them so undesirable?  Unfortunately, there’s not

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bed bugs

You Have Bedbugs. Now What?

The dreaded bedbugs have arrived. Before you decide to burn all your stuff and move, you should know there is another way. While these bugs can be pesky and stubborn, they’re not invincible. That means there’s hope that you can find comfort and peace in your home again. The first step is correctly identifying the bugs. What Are

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4 Spiders in Utah You’ll Want to Avoid

If the idea of spiders in Utah makes your skin crawl, you’re not alone. Spiders are not only creepy, they can be dangerous as well. While most of the spiders you see won’t fall into this second category, it’s important to know what they look like just in case. The main threat from spiders is the damage they can cause to

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Avoid Ants

5 Ways to Avoid Ants this Summer

Want to avoid ants this summer? You’re not alone. Homeowners all over the United States try everything under the sun to prevent and get rid of these pesky insects.  Unfortunately, their DIY solutions don’t always work as planned. That’s why we’re here to give you five fail-safe ways to avoid ants this summer.  Clean up Food

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pest control

Spring Pest Control: Everything You Need to Know

Learning about spring pest control can help you avoid insect problems and enjoy the warm weather at the same time.  During winter, most insects burrow deep into the ground and hibernate until the cold season passes. While we love the warmth of the sun, it, unfortunately, means we now have to compete with these hungry pests.  Below we

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termite problems

4 Signs You Have a Termite Problem

Termite — it’s a word that strikes fear into the hearts of homeowners. It’s amazing how something so small can cause so much damage. The quicker you can stop these pesky invaders, the better you can protect your home from costly repairs. The first step is being able to recognize them. Below are four signs you have termites in your home. Mud Tubes A common and easy-to-spot sign of an infestation is tunneling. In order to

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Bed bug control and heat treatments, do I need one?

The truth about whole-home heat treatments to eradicate a bed bug infestation. If you’re one of the millions of households unlucky enough to have a bed bug infestation in your home in the U.S. this year, you’ve probably heard about treating your house with heat. Many homeowners and renters will opt for a costly heat

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Pest Control Tips for Fall Season

We’re fully into the fall season at this point, and for home and business owners around the country, this is an important part of the year for various maintenance tasks. The cold winter is right around the corner, and ensuring your building is up to date in several areas before this happens is important. At

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Summer Pest Prevention Tips

The hot Utah summer is here, and that means more than just a rise in your AC bill. Folks naturally want to spend more time outside during the summer, but here’s the problem: While you’re doing that, various pests will be trying to take shelter inside your cool, food-filled home. At A1 Exterminators, we’ve got

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