
Learning About Boxelder Bugs

If you’ve lived in Utah for more than a very short period of time, chances are you’re familiar with the boxelder bug. Salt Lake City has one of the largest populations of these bugs in the country, and their red-orange coloration makes them distinctive. At A-1 Exterminators, our commercial pest control services include the equipment

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Home Ant Prevention Methods

As we enter the spring season, a few pest control items become a bit more relevant. One of these items is ants, and at A-1 Exterminators, we’re here to help your home or business stay free of these little crawlers. Before the need arises to call one of our bug exterminators, there are several things

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Spider control in Northern Utah, Poisonous and Non-Poisonous

Spider control is important where we live. Here in Northern Utah we have a variety of poisonous and non-poisonous spiders. If you’re like most people, even the non-dangerous spiders can still cause a lot of stress. Spiders can be a real problem when they end up in your home, garage, place of business. Moreover, they

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Common Health Issues Caused by Pests

At A-1, it’s our mission to provide your home or business with top notch pest control services. Not only do we provide insect control that removes creepy crawlers causing an infestation, we provide lasting solutions that will keep future infestations from becoming possible. There are more general convenience and cleanliness issues behind the need for

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The Basics of the Cockroach

When many of us think of our least favorite bug or creepy crawler, the cockroach is the first thing that comes to mind. Long considered the popular representation of everything annoying and negative about home pest infestations, cockroaches are creepy in both their looks and their behaviors. They’re also some of the most resilient insects

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Common Attractions for Household Rodents

Rodents are some of the worst infestations possible in the home, and rodent control is one of our primary services at A1 Exterminators. We’ve seen some of the worst rodent damage imaginable, and while our exterminator services are top notch and will do the job right the first time, you’d really prefer to never reach

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How Can Termites Damage Your Home?

There are a few types of bug infestations which can damage and even ruin your home, and one of the most common is a termite infestation. Termite control is a specialty of ours at A1 Exterminators, where we’ve been providing the Salt Lake Valley with industry leading pest control services for over five decades. We

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5 Steps to Check For Bed Bugs

Check For Bed Bugs, Step #1 Carefully remove all bedding. Take special care not to overly agitate the bedding as you remove it. Ball it up on the center of the bed, and put it directly in to a dryer. If you don’t have a dryer, put the bedding into garbage bags, sealing the opening

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