picture of an ant

Common Ant Types Found in SLC and Utah

Those who spend plenty of time outdoors in Utah have likely come across at least a few different species of ants. There are hundreds of such species in the world, including dozens that are found in Utah — some are more common than others, of course, and some create greater property or garden issues than

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Dealing With Cockroaches Coming Up Sink Drains

Cockroaches are one of the more persistent and frustrating insects that may cause a pest infestation in a home or building, and their ability to live for weeks without food or water, and in extreme conditions, is part of this. One potential location where you may see cockroaches if they’re invading your home, due to

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bed bugs

Telling SLC Bed Bugs and Ticks Apart

There are a few different pest types that appear similar and are sometimes confused for one another, and one good example here is the bed bug versus the tick. Both small insects, and carrying some similar feeding habits, it’s common for bed bugs and ticks to be mixed up – but in reality, they have

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Other Pests Often Mistaken for Termites

When it comes to pest control, one of the single most important roles played by home or building owners is identification of pests. This begins with noting that a pest infestation is taking place, first and foremost, but in some cases may also extend to homeowners who are able to actually identify the pest type

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pests bite

Identifying Common Pests by Their Bite

For many home or building owners who have dealt with pests at some point in the past, identification is one of the most frustrating elements of this process. Especially when it comes to insects, there are a whole host of different pest types out there, many of which are very small and look somewhat similar

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spring bird

Spring Bird Behavior: Bird Returns and Property Protection

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the basic migratory and nesting habits of birds during the winter. While most are aware some birds don’t appear as often during the winter in cold places like Utah, this is actually due to a mixture of effects – some birds are

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spring bird

Spring Bird Behavior: Migratory and Wintering Birds

If you’re a Salt Lake City, Utah home or property owner who has dealt with bird pest issues in the past or is concerned about them moving forward, spring is an important time of year here. This is when many bird species migrate back into northern climates as they become warmer, this following several months

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Bed Bugs: Risks, Symptoms, Prevention and Extermination

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some basics on bed bugs and how they can be identified. These invasive pests, which bite and feed on human blood, are also known for their versatility and ability to spread between locations, and preventing them involves understand how they behave. At A-1 Exterminators,

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bed bugs

Bed Bugs: Identification, Hiding Places and Spread

There are a few pest types out there whose names are at least slightly misleading when it comes to their behavior, and a good example here is the bed bug. While their title obviously suggests their presence in and around beds, and this is indeed a major area where these invasive pests are found, this

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mulch trees

Homebuyer Pest Prevention: Mulch, Trees and Branches

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the basics on areas to look for when you’re touring a prospective new home and want to ensure there are no pest concerns at play. While we’d like to believe sellers of homes would never conceal a pest issue, some unfortunately would

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