nests stinging insect identifiers 1

Nests and Other Stinging Insect Identifiers, Part 1

During the summer period of each year, the pest type many homeowners are most worried about is the stinging insect variety. There are numerous insect types out there that may sting or bite in some circumstances, from common bees to a wide variety of others, and many homeowners – especially those with children – want

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summer birds

Problems Caused by Common Summer Birds, Part 2

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the basic issues that birds cause when they infest properties during the summer. While some summer birds are harmless and won’t infest an entire property in huge numbers, others pose potential property risks, particularly when they congregate in large swaths. At A-1

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summer birds problems

Problems Caused by Common Summer Birds, Part 1

Within a home or property situation, birds are an interesting group of creatures that sit on both sides of the spectrum. Many birds are beautiful and some are friendly, offering a great atmosphere through their chirping and limited impact on humans – but others, unfortunately, may congregate in huge numbers and pose several property risks,

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Common Fly

Understanding Common Fly Types and Risks, Part 2

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the most common fly types that may be found in or around properties during the year. Most of these will be prevented with the right basic pest control methods, but those who fail to obtain these may deal with multiple biting or

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common fly

Understanding Common Fly Types and Risks, Part 1

While many of our pest control and exterminator services at A-1 Exterminators are focused on a specific infestation of a single pest, such as termites, bed bugs or others, we’re also proud to offer general insect control services to protect homes and buildings. Our pest control pros utilize only the latest in insect control equipment,

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pest control apartment

Primer on Pest Control in Apartment Complexes, Part 2

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the basics of apartment complexes and how pest control is handled. The setup here is a bit different from traditional homes, particularly when it comes to dealing with landlords or property management companies and determining who is covering the costs. At A-1

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pest control apartment

Primer on Pest Control in Apartment Complexes, Part 1

While many of our quality pest control services at A-1 Exterminators are primarily performed on traditional homes and residences, this is far from the full scope of the building types we cover. Our team of exterminators, which covers areas ranging from basic insect control to spiders, rodents and even high-quality bird prevention methods, is happy

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drone inspections

Drone Inspections for Bird and Pest Control, Part 2

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of our drone inspection services for bird control purposes. A A-1 Exterminators, we’re one of the only companies in Utah offering such services (free of charge!), which have also been utilized around the globe by certain forward-thinking pest control and bird control entities.

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drone inspections

Drone Inspections for Bird and Pest Control, Part 1

Within numerous areas of life, technology has made a permanent positive impact that’s here for good. There are a plethora of great examples, even within an industry like pest and bird control. At A-1 Exterminators, we provide a great example of this theme with our free drone inspections. We’ve long been a top provider of

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spring nesting

Avoiding Early Spring Nesting Bird Property Risks

With winter nearing its later stages and spring just around the corner, savvy homeowners are considering a few basic pest prevention and other property securing methods before the seasons change. These transitional periods are often the best time for this kind of work, as new pest types become more common – and others less common

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