
Basics of Overwintering Preparation

Within the world of pest control, one of the single largest myths begins to be spread around more commonly as the weather turns cold and the snow starts falling. It goes something like this: “The weather is too cold for bugs and insects to be alive – I don’t have to worry about pest control

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mice infestation

Preventing Mice Infestation During Fall

While the mice you see in cartoons might be cute and friendly, the real things aren’t anything like that. Wild mice, in particular, are major pests that can create significant issues in a home or building they invade, and preventing them is vital. At A-1 Exterminators, we’re here to help. We offer a full range

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bed bugs

Telltale Signs of Bed Bug Presence

There are several pests out there that are skilled at avoiding detection to the untrained eye, and bed bugs are among these. Possible throughout the year in the home, bed bugs may start as a small problem before becoming a much larger one that requires major extermination services. At A-1 Exterminators, we’re here to help.

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Rodent Control

Why Prompt Action is Vital for Mice

There are several areas of pest control that are important as we move from the warmer months into the cooler winter, and one important such area is rodent control. Rats, mice and other rodents will be even more interested than normal in getting into your home as the temperatures drop, and you need to be

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pest prevention

Basic Facts on Fall Pest Prevention

As the temperatures begin to drop and the leaves begin to fall, fall is clearly upon us. That means several things for savvy homeowners, and one area you should be considering this time of year is pest control. At A-1 Exterminators, we’re here to help with all residential and commercial pest control services you need this fall.

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finding pest

A Complete Guide to Identifying Pests in Your Home

Correctly identifying pests in your home can not only save you time but also peace of mind. When there’s a problem in the home it’s not uncommon to worry about the worst possible outcomes, even if it’s something as small as a benign insect problem. Our guide will help you to accurately identify the most

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Garden Pest Control

4 Ways to Win at Summer Pest Control

Summer pest control is different from winter pest control. Instead of worrying about rats and mice, you need to focus on mosquitoes and ticks. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to avoid infestations in your home and yard. Below are four ways to prevent summer pests from invading your property. 1.Remove Outside Fruits and Vegetables

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The Most Common Types of Ants in Utah Can Damage Your Home

Learning about the most common types of ants in Utah can help protect your house from these invaders and the damage they do. A comprehensive, statewide study found that Utah has more than 150 species of ants. Luckily, as a homeowner you don’t need to know about all the subtle differences of these species. What’s more useful is knowing about the five

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The Most Common Bug Bites

The Most Common Bug Bites in Utah

While most bug bites are just annoying, some can be painful and harmful to your health. Being able to identify the most common types of bug bites in Utah will help you know whether you need to seek medical treatment when you discover a bite on your skin. Utah’s diverse landscape attracts residents from far and wide. However, not all of

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Prevent Pests

Prevent Pests with These 3 Easy Home Improvement Projects

Most homeowners think they’re doing all they can to prevent pests from invading their living quarters. But they may be wrong. With decades in the exterminator business, we know a thing or two about how to prevent pests. We know with flies bombarding your summer barbeques and ants attacking your picnics, the last place you

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