
Avoiding Early Spring Nesting Bird Property Risks

spring nesting

With winter nearing its later stages and spring just around the corner, savvy homeowners are considering a few basic pest prevention and other property securing methods before the seasons change. These transitional periods are often the best time for this kind of work, as new pest types become more common – and others less common – as the temperatures change.

At A-1 Exterminators, we’re here to remind you of one pest type you may not have considered directly leading into spring: Birds, particularly nesting birds that will come out in large numbers in early spring and may impact several structure types. We are a proud provider of Bird Barrier products, the leaders in nationwide bird control – we offer everything from their bird netting options to several other bird controls solutions. Let’s go over the risks posed by nesting birds during the spring period, plus a few basic tips we can offer on preventing them, including both DIY areas and those our pros will assist you with.

Nesting Bird Basics and Property Risks

Also known as cavity nesters, there are a variety of types of nesting birds out there, including sparrows, starlings and others. These birds are active types that prefer to travel in big groups at a time, and they also both like to build nests in areas that are often connected to properties – exhaust vents being a primary location many of them are drawn to, though there may be other areas as well.

You often won’t have much time to react if these birds begin invading your property. Starlings can build a nest in as short as a single day, and nesting birds in general will thrive in structure-related shelters if they’re allowed to remain.

Basic Inspections

One major area you can attend to on your own before spring gets into full swing is inspecting the property area in detail. If you’ve had nesting bird issues in the past, prioritize the areas where they’ve made their nests in the past.

Even if you haven’t had such issues, check your vents and nearby areas for any bird droppings, nesting materials or other signs birds have been present. While there, also keep an ear out for any bird noises coming from your vents, which may signal that nesters have already invaded.

DIY Vent Prevention Methods

In addition, we strongly recommend protecting your vents with some basic DIY methods. If you have exposed openings outside your home, block them with a galvanized wire mesh. You might also consider commercial vent covers for certain vent types.

Bird Barrier Products

Finally, contact our pros about taking a proactive approach to bird prevention through our Bird Barrier products. We’ll advise you on the ideal products to manage any risks present on your property.

For more on preventing spring nesting bird infestation risks, or to learn about any of our other pest control or exterminator services, speak to the staff at A-1 Exterminators today.

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