
Avoiding Insecticides that Pose Dangers to Home Pets

At A-1 Exterminators, we understand that pest control is a multi-faceted area. While many homeowners utilize our extensive professional pest control services, which range from insect control to rodents, bird prevention and many other solutions, there are also several DIY methods many homeowners utilize, and these can be blended together – our exterminators, for instance, will be happy to recommend ideal strategies or home products for ongoing pest issues during your appointment.

For those with pets in their homes, the question of pesticides and pest control products becomes a more important one. This is because there are certain pesticide types out there that are harmful to home pets like dogs and cats, risking poisoning, organ failure and various cancer types if they’re exposed. Let’s go over a few such pesticide types we recommend avoiding, plus some alternatives for each.


Spectracide is what’s known as an organophosphate insecticide, one that creates nerve and respiratory damage in insects as a method of killing them. Its active ingredient is 0.08% Gamma-Cyhalothrin, which can be used on several different insect types in both residential and agricultural formats.

Unfortunately, some of the same nerve damage this product creates in insects is also possible in human and pets during prolonged exposure, which can impact several organs. While product labels suggest that it’s fine for pets to be on a lawn that has recently been treated with Spectracide as long as it has dried, we recommend diatomaceous earth instead – an anti-caking agent that works on all the same insects and can be easily mixed into the earth, posing no risk to your pets.


Another insecticide, one that’s commonly used for crop protection or vegetable protection in many home gardens, is Nudrin. While Nudrin is not believed to be bioaccumulative or carcinogenic, it is a toxic insecticide that works as an enzyme inhibitor to many animals.

If your garden is having pest issues, a more natural method would be to use essential oils to repel them. These can be sprayed easily, plus are not toxic to pets in any way.


There’s also phosdrin, which is similar to Spectracide in that it’s an organophosphate insecticide. It can have a similar impact on both humans and pets – it can be inhaled, absorbed through the skin or even ingested, making it easy to get into a pet’s system. Once there, it can cause numerous symptoms, from nausea and vomiting to respiratory issues, cardiac concerns and even paralysis.

Instead, we recommend an organic product called BioRepel, which is made from natural oils and does great with many pest types.

For more on pesticides that may be toxic to your pets and alternatives to consider instead, or to learn about any of our pest control services, speak to the staff at A-1 Exterminators today.

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