
Most Common Pests Often Found in the Kitchen

common pests found kitchen

There are a few locations where pest infestations are even more problematic than they’d already be in a broad sense, and one of these is within the kitchen. Whether we’re talking about a commercial kitchen in a restaurant, a home kitchen in a residence or anything in between, there are a few pest types that are most known for trying to invade these areas – but also some basic approaches for avoiding these risks. 

At A-1 Exterminators, we’re happy to offer pest control services for any kitchen you need to protect, from restaurant pest control to residential extermination services and more. What are the pests that most frequently attempt to infest kitchens of varying types, and how can you go about ensuring this doesn’t become a problem in your kitchen? Here are some basics.


Some of the most well-known pests that you’ll often find attempting to invade a kitchen are cockroaches. Cockroaches can spread bacteria and cause health problems, so it’s important to take steps to ensure they don’t become an issue in your kitchen.

These pests can sneak in through small cracks and crevices. To prevent them from entering your kitchen, make sure to seal any potential entry points that they may be able to use. Cleaning up regularly and removing food sources can also help with prevention.

You should also be paying attention for any signs of cockroach activity in your kitchen, including droppings and a musty smell. If you suspect that you may have a cockroach problem, it’s best to contact a professional pest control company for assistance.


Certain larger pests, such as rodents and mice, can also be a major issue in any kitchen. They can spread disease while looking for food sources, and also cause significant damage to the wiring and furniture in your kitchen.

Rodents can also sneak into a space through small openings just like cockroaches, so it’s important to look for these entry points and seal them off as needed. Removing food sources is also important, as this will make it less attractive for them to stick around. Regular cleaning and storing food properly in airtight containers can help a great deal.

It’s also important to realize that in many cases, rodents are looking for warmth just as much as they are looking for food. This means that if you have a lot of warm areas in your kitchen, it may be more attractive to them. Taking steps to reduce the warmth and humidity in the area can help reduce the likelihood of an infestation.


As many homeowners know, ants can also be a major problem in any kitchen. They tend to come in search of food sources, and they are incredibly persistent when they have identified one. They’re also common in commercial kitchens, where a more thorough approach will be needed in order to ensure they don’t become a problem.

The best way to prevent an ant infestation is to keep the area clean and make sure that food sources are not left out or exposed. Regularly checking for signs of ants or ant activity can also help you identify any potential issues early on and take steps to address them.

In addition, if you’ve had ant issues in the past, you may want to consider using an insecticide specifically formulated for ant control in order to deter them from coming back.


There are several different flies that can sometimes be found in kitchens, including:

  • Fruit flies: These tiny flies love sugary foods and can quickly become a problem if you have any sort of produce left out on the counter.
  • Houseflies: Houseflies are larger than fruit flies and tend to be attracted to food that’s been left out for too long, as well as areas with high levels of humidity.
  • Phorid flies: These are small files that breed around your grease traps and other wet areas of the kitchen.
  • Drain flies: These flies tend to be attracted to dirty drains, and can often be found in kitchens where there is standing water or food waste.

In order to avoid these issues caused by flies, it’s important to keep the area clean and make sure any food sources are disposed of properly. You should also look for areas that may be attractive to flies (such as dirty drains) and make sure to address them. If necessary, you may want to use insecticides specifically formulated for fly control in order to deter them from coming back.

Overall, it’s important to take preventive measures when it comes to avoiding pest infestations in the kitchen. Keeping the area clean and removing food sources can go a long way towards preventing any potential issues, and using the right insecticides can help deter pests from coming back. In addition, it’s important to look for signs of infestations early on and take steps to address them as soon as possible.

For more here, or to learn about our restaurant pest control or residential extermination services, speak to our team at A-1 Exterminators today.

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