
What to Expect During Springtime Pest Control

What to Expect During Springtime Pest Control

The realm of pest control is definitely one that’s at least somewhat seasonal in nature, and it can be helpful to know how your pest control needs may differ depending on the time of year. The springtime, in particular, is often a key chunk during which you should be watching out for several key pests if you live anywhere in northern Utah. 

At A-1 Exterminators, we proudly offer a huge range of pest control services to clients around Salt Lake City, West Valley City, West Jordan, Sandy and nearby areas, including common needs like ant control, boxelder bug control and many other solutions. Here are some basics on why spring is often a key time period for pest control, plus some of the common pests you may see around Utah at this time of year and how any infestations or issues can be avoided. 

Why Spring is Often a Major Pest Awareness Period

While pests can definitely cause issues at any time of the year, spring is when many of the most common pests begin to emerge from their winter hiding spots in higher numbers. As temperatures rise and plants begin to grow again, insects and other pests come out of hibernation or their dormant state and start to reproduce rapidly. This means that even a small infestation can quickly become a major problem if left unchecked during this time.

Additionally, springtime often brings rain showers and increased humidity, creating the perfect breeding grounds for certain pests like ants and mosquitoes. The combination of warmer weather and moisture also leads to more food sources for pests, making your home an attractive target.

Our next several sections will go over some of the most common springtime pests in Utah, plus how to ensure they don’t become an issue for you – efforts our team at A-1 Exterminators are always here to assist with however necessary. 


As many of our readers are likely well aware, ants are one of the most common pests in Utah and elsewhere. They’re hardy and resilient, able to survive harsh conditions while also being highly adaptable. When spring arrives, ants come out in large numbers looking for new food sources, often targeting kitchens and pantries where they can find crumbs and other debris.

To avoid ant infestations during springtime, be sure to keep your home clean and free of any potential food sources. This includes regularly wiping down counters and sweeping floors, as well as properly storing all food items in sealed containers. You may also want to consider a professional ant control service from A-1 Exterminators if you’ve had prior ant infestations.

It’s important to remember that ants aren’t exclusively a spring problem, either. They can be active and cause issues year-round, so it’s important to always be vigilant. Keep an eye out for any signs of ants in your home and address them promptly to prevent a major infestation.

Boxelder Bugs

Another common pest during springtime in Utah are boxelder bugs. These small, black and red insects often congregate on the sides of homes or buildings, looking for ways to enter and find shelter from the weather. While they don’t typically cause significant damage, boxelder bugs can be a nuisance when present in large numbers.

To prevent a boxelder bug infestation, make sure all cracks and openings in your home’s exterior are sealed tightly. You may also want to consider removing any boxelder trees or other plants that are known to attract these insects.

If you do have a boxelder bug problem, A-1 Exterminators offers comprehensive solutions that will get rid of them quickly and effectively. Don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance if needed.


While spiders may not be as prevalent during springtime compared to other pests on this list, they can still cause issues for homeowners. As temperatures rise, spiders become more active and start building webs in search of food sources.

To prevent spiders from taking over your home, make sure to keep all clutter and debris cleaned up both inside and outside. This includes regular dusting and vacuuming, as well as clearing away any piles of leaves or debris that may attract spiders. You may also want to consider a professional spider control service from A-1 Exterminators for more advanced prevention measures.


As the temperatures warm up, rodents like mice and rats also become more active and start looking for shelter and food. They can cause significant damage to homes if not addressed promptly.

To prevent rodent infestations, make sure all potential entry points into your home are sealed tightly. You may also want to consider setting traps or using deterrents around the exterior of your home. If you do have a rodent problem, A-1 Exterminators offers comprehensive pest control solutions that will eliminate these pests and prevent them from returning.

While spring is known for its pleasant weather and blooming flowers, it’s also a time when many common pests in Utah become more active. By taking preventative measures such as regular cleaning and maintenance, you can minimize the risk of infestations and keep your home pest-free. And if you do encounter any issues, don’t hesitate to reach out to A-1 Exterminators for professional assistance. With our experienced team and comprehensive services, we will ensure that your home stays pest-free all year round, whether you’re in SLC, West Valley City, West Jordan, Sandy or any nearby area. Contact us today! 

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