The Best Bird Control Service Options for Northern Utah

Are birds creating a pest problem at your northern Utah home or business? If so, you need an expert to provide a humane and effective bird control solution.
Wild birds can be beautiful, but populations of pest birds can cause extensive damage. Their nests block gutters, pipes and ventilation systems, and the flammability of the nest-building materials they use creates a risk of fire. In addition, their acidic droppings erode rooftops, siding, insulation, industrial machinery and HVAC equipment.
Even worse, avian pest species carry – and can transmit to humans – potentially deadly diseases. Inhaling or coming into direct contact with their droppings poses a serious health risk. Not to mention, avian excrement can harbor mites, ticks, fleas and other parasites, all of which can also carry transmittable diseases.
A-1 Exterminators, a preferred vendor and certified installer for the innovative Bird Barrier products and Avitrol in northern Utah, can quickly and effectively eliminate pest birds at your home or business.
Best of all, our bird control solutions are safe, humane and affordable.

Which Pest Birds Are Common in Utah?
Many avian species are classified as pests, including crows, sparrows and geese. However, because they exist in huge numbers, pigeons, woodpeckers and swallows pose the most common threat to Utah homes and businesses.
Pigeons can be a huge problem, as their inbred homing instinct keeps them attached to any established nesting spot. And, as mating pairs can hatch several broods in a single year, a small pigeon population can quickly grow into a large infestation.
Worse, although pigeons prefer grains and seeds, they will eat virtually anything that is available to them. Their excrement is highly corrosive, capable of causing extensive damage to almost any surface in a short period of time. Pigeon droppings also carry disease, and an accumulation of excrement can create a slip and fall hazard.
A-1 Exterminators can solve any pigeon problem you may have. With the right bird control products, our technicians can effectively deter and repel pigeons from roosting, nesting and wreaking havoc at your home or business.
Woodpeckers have the potential to cause a high level of destruction. These pests peck holes and drill into wood surfaces, damaging siding, shingles and other structures, including fences and gazebos. And, although they are partial to wood, woodpeckers can also ruin stucco, Dryvit and many other building materials.
Droppings from woodpeckers can also be dangerous, as these pest birds are known to spread respiratory diseases. Woodpeckers also create a nuisance due to the noise they create.
Bird control for woodpeckers can be challenging, as this species is protected under Utah’s Migratory Bird Treaty Act and other wildlife laws. However, A-1 Exterminators employs a variety of legal, humane and effective solutions to keep woodpeckers away from your property.
Mud Swallows
Also known as barn swallows, mud swallows can cause significant damage through their nesting behaviors. In urban and suburban areas alike, they build mud nests on the outer walls and upper eaves of buildings. This results in unsightly excrement stains on the building face and a potentially dangerous accumulation of droppings, damaged paint and siding.
Furthermore, the parasites and bacteria found in sparrow droppings and nests harbor disease. And, as with excrement produced by other avian species, droppings from sparrows can lead to concern over slip and fall liability.
Like woodpeckers, mud swallows are also protected species, which increases the difficulty of dealing with an infestation. Deterring and repelling swallows requires careful timing and the right bird control products – and A-1 Exterminators has the expertise to get the job done for you.

Bird Control Solutions

Keeping pest birds away from your property can pose a challenge, as not all products work equally well for all problems. The highly trained and experienced A-1 technicians arrive at your location and perform a thorough assessment to determine the most effective approach to your specific issues.
Depending upon the species creating a problem, the level of infestation, and the parts of your home or business that require protection, we may recommend one or more of our available bird control solutions
StealthNet®, a heavy-duty mesh netting, creates a physical barrier that humanely prevents pest birds from entering attics, garages, balconies, open beam structures and other building spaces. This netting, designed by Bird Barrier, comes in a range of sizes, making it highly effective for blocking all avian species. A-1 Exterminators carries a variety of StealthNet® mesh shades to match the color palette of your existing structure. This ensures that the netting is virtually invisible once installed.
Blunt, stainless steel spikes from Bird Barrier are difficult to see from a distance, but work extremely well to block pigeons, doves and other similarly sized avian species from roosting. With Bird-Flite®, Dura-Spike™ or Gutter-Point™ spikes installed, pest birds physically cannot land on rooftops, ledges and gutters; yet, they do not come to any harm when trying to gain a foothold.
For significant pest bird populations, trapping is a humane and highly effective way to decrease the size of the flock. In many cases, using traps for flock reduction is the first step to bird control, and one that must be taken before employing other solutions. At A-1 Exterminators, we utilize pigeon traps and sparrow traps, as well as trapping solutions for other pest species. Using traps is not a stand-alone measure, however, as it does not prevent birds from becoming a problem.
Netting and spikes are two effective physical deterrents to pest birds of all species, but A-1 Exterminators also provides a range of other Bird Barrier products that prevent perching and nesting on ledges, rooftops and building structures. Bird-Shock® Flex-Track™, BirdSlide™, Birdwire®, Bird-Coil®, TowerGuard™, Tree-Shock™ and Daddi Long Legs™ are a few of our safe, humane bird control solutions.
Sensory effects offer an innovative, high-tech approach that humanely and effectively repels any species of pest birds. Bird Barrier’s Optical Gel™ uses sight, smell and touch to scare avian pests away, while Eagle Eye® reflects light and induces disorientation. Sonic devices, like the BirdXPeller Pro, send out audible danger alerts that effectively disperse a flock. Finally, non-toxic taste repellents, such as Avian Control® discourage birds from populating a specific area.
Solar Panel Kits
Solar arrays are attractive nesting sites for birds, and infestation can result in damage to the rooftop, wiring and PV equipment. This pervasive problem requires a unique solution, and A-1 Exterminators offers the complete line Bird Barrier line of solar panel pest screening solutions. Featuring PVC-coated mesh netting and UV-stable clips, these innovative solutions provide effective bird control without drilling or damaging solar panels or other PV system components.
Avitrol Bird Control
Along with Bird Barrier products, A-1 Exterminators often turn to Avitrol. This humane bird control solution uses chemically treated bait that is designed to induce erratic behavior when eaten. Affected birds send out distress signals, frightening the flock away. Avitrol is a humane, effective and environmentally-sound option for controlling populations of pigeons, sparrows or other avian pest species.

Northern Utah’s Certified Bird Control Experts

Bird Barrier and Avitrol produce the world’s best bird control solutions. However, these products are not available to the public because their use requires specialized knowledge, technical training and certification.
A-1 Exterminators proudly carries these qualifications and more, including more than a half-century of experience in controlling birds and other northern Utah pests.
Our technicians are certified installers for all Bird Barrier products, and we receive our training directly from the manufacturer and we are proud to be Bird Barrier’s preferred vendor and installer for northern Utah.
We are also certified applicators of Avitrol, trained by the manufacturer. In fact, A-1 Exterminators is one of the few Utah pest control companies with training and certification in the use of Avitrol’s full line of bird control products.

More About A-1 Exterminators, Utah’s Pest & Bird Control Experts
A family-owned and operated company, A-1 Exterminators has provided safe, effective and human pest control services for our northern Utah clients since 1961. Our business is fully insured and, with our license from the Utah Department of Agriculture in Vertebrate Animal Pest Control, we are legally authorized to eliminate pest birds.
At A-1 Exterminators, we are committed to humane, environmentally responsible pest control services. All of our treatment solutions are safe for use around people and pets. Our technicians – who literally more than a century of combined experience – have the skill, knowledge and expertise to solve even the most challenging pest control problems.
A-1 Exterminators, based in the East Millcreek area of Salt Lake City, is the preferred bird control expert in the state of Utah. We serve Salt Lake County, Davis County, Utah County, Wasatch County and the entire northern Utah region, including Ogden, Provo and West Valley City.
Customer service is the priority at A-1 Exterminators, and we guarantee all of our services. You can count on our team to efficiently eliminate any pests that are plaguing your Utah home or business. And, whether you opt for single or contract pest control, our extermination services are both affordable and highly cost-effective, considering the potential damage that birds and other pests can produce.
If you have a problem with pigeons, woodpeckers or other pest birds at your northern Utah home or business, A-1 Exterminators is here to help. Reach out to us any day of the week and schedule a free consultation to discuss bird control with an expert technician today.

Not Sure if You Have a Bird Problem?

If you already know you have a problem with pigeons, woodpeckers or other avian pests at your northern Utah home or business, A-1 Exterminators is here to help.
But what if you aren’t sure?
We offer a free consultation and a complimentary inspection of your residential or commercial building. In fact, we are one of only a few Utah pest control companies that offers drone inspections – and we perform this thorough inspection service at no charge. With our free drone inspection, you’ll get a bird’s-eye view of even the most inaccessible portions of your building, leaving no question as to whether you have a problem. Operated with a high-definition camera and a commercial pilot’s license, our drone can safely detect the presence of birds or other pests in the eaves, under your solar panels or anywhere else these troublesome pests can lurk.
Contact the A-1 Exterminators team today to schedule a free consultation and no-cost, no-obligation inspection, to determine whether you could benefit from our safe, affordable bird control services.