
Keeping SLC Bees Away from Your Home

keeping bees away home

There are certain insects or other pests that inspire a bit more fear than should actually be present, and a good example here is bees. But while bees aren’t actually too dangerous in general, and are actually important pollinators in our system, many people (especially children) are naturally frightened of them due to their ability to sting, and it’s common for residents to want to keep bees away from their structures for this and related reasons. 

At A-1 Exterminators, we’re happy to assist clients throughout Salt Lake City and other parts of Utah with all their pest control needs, including general insect control that covers a wide range of insects, bees among them. What are some general tips we often provide to clients on how to keep bees away from your structure without interfering with their important ecological roles? Here’s a basic rundown.

Avoid Preferred Flowers

As we noted above, bees are natural pollinators, meaning they help fertilize plants by transferring pollen from the male to female reproductive organs. This process is essential for plant reproduction, and without bees (or other pollinators), many plant species would eventually die out. To avoid attracting bees to your property, try to avoid planting flowers that are particularly attractive to them.

Some examples of such flowers include things like lavender, daisies, and roses. If you must have these flowers on your property, however, try to plant them as far away from your home as possible. This way, the bees will be more likely to visit these flowers first rather than any others that might be closer to your home.

Natural Remedies

There are a few natural products out there that can also be used as simple, non-harmful repellants to bees and other insects. These will not hurt bees, but rather will simply cause them to spend their time elsewhere. Some options here include:

  • Essential oils: Certain essential oils, like eucalyptus oil, have strong scents that bees do not enjoy. You can make a natural bee repellant spray by mixing water with a few drops of essential oil and spraying it around the perimeter of your property.
  • Garlic: Garlic is another food that has a strong scent that many insects, including bees, find unappealing. You can make a garlic repellant solution by crushing a few cloves of garlic and mixing them with water. This mixture can then be sprayed around the perimeter of your property as well.
  • Mint: Like garlic, mint is a food that has a strong scent that many insects, including bees, do not enjoy. You can make a mint repellant solution by crushing a few leaves of mint and mixing them with water. This mixture can then be sprayed around the perimeter of your property as well.
  • Cucumber peels: Finally, cucumber peels are also known to be a natural bee repellant. You can place cucumber peels around the perimeter of your property, or you can make a repellant spray by mixing water with a few slices of cucumber peel and spraying it around the perimeter of your property.

Bee-Proofing for Carpenter Bees

In the vast majority of cases, bees don’t have any desire to enter your home. There’s one major exception here, however, and it’s the carpenter bee. This bee is unique in that it actually drills holes into wood in order to build its nests. If you have carpenter bees on your property, they may drill holes into the wood of your home in order to build their nests there, which can obviously cause serious damage over time.

To bee-proof your home against carpenter bees, start by filling in any existing holes that they have drilled. You can do this by using wood putty, caulk, or some other type of sealant. Once you’ve filled in the existing holes, take a look at the rest of your home’s exterior and try to identify any potential entry points that carpenter bees could use to drill new holes. These entry points could include cracks in the siding or trim, holes left behind by nails or screws, and gaps around doors and windows. Once you’ve identified these potential entry points, seal them up with caulk, wood putty, or some other type of sealant.

Limit Open Containers Outside

Whether you have regular outdoor gatherings at your home or simply spend lots of time outside during the warmer months, it’s important to be aware of the potential for bees to be attracted to open containers of food and drink. If you’re having a party or gathering, make sure to keep all food and drinks inside so that bees aren’t attracted to them.

And if you’re simply spending time outside, be sure to put away any open containers of food or drink when you’re finished with them. Don’t leave them sitting out where bees can access them.

Keep Your Property Clean

Bees are attracted to areas that are messy and overgrown. If you want to keep bees away from your property, it’s important to keep it clean and well-maintained. This means regular cleaning and decluttering, as well as trimming back any overgrown plants or weeds. A neat and tidy property is much less attractive to bees than a messy one.

Use a Bee Repellant Product

If you’re having trouble keeping bees away from your property using the methods above, you may want to try using a bee repellant product. There are a number of different products on the market that are designed to repel bees, and they can be effective in many cases. Always read and follow the instructions on the product label before using any bee repellant product.

And if all these attempts fail, simply contact our team for professional assistance, which we’re happy to provide! For more on this, or to learn about any of our pest control services in SLC or nearby parts of Utah, speak to the team at A-1 Exterminators today.

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